
Toddler Talk Thursday

How do you handle toddler temper tantrums??

I was always worried about the "terrible twos". When Gracie was 2 she was an angel...a saint. I had no problems with tantrums or fits or anything like that.

Then she turned 3.
Holy crap on a cracker~~!!

This has definetly been the most challenging year so far. She definetly has a mind of her own and knows what she wants and when she wants it and if you don't do it to her liking BAM!!!! total meltdown. Yes. Gracie is the only child so she does get alot of attention from me and Shane, and when she doesn't get our undivided attention...the screaming begins. Everyone keeps telling me that when she turns 4 it will get much better. i hope their right.

We are definetly not against spanking. And if she gets totally out of control a spanking is definetly in order. Now most of the time we stand her in the corner for being bad and when that doesn't work I start taking away her favorite toys or taking away watching a favorite movie. I hate punishing Gracie but it is necessary. i usually have Shane do alot of the punishment because..well..lets face it...daughters listen to their fathers (I always did)
If we did not punish Gracie she would be a Grade A Spoiled Rotten Brat!

1 comment:

  1. I am jealous...the terrible twos started at my house at about 1 and 1/2 and now we are at 3. I am definitely ready for a new stage. :)



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