
Toddler Talk Thursday

How do you handle toddler temper tantrums??

I was always worried about the "terrible twos". When Gracie was 2 she was an angel...a saint. I had no problems with tantrums or fits or anything like that.

Then she turned 3.
Holy crap on a cracker~~!!

This has definetly been the most challenging year so far. She definetly has a mind of her own and knows what she wants and when she wants it and if you don't do it to her liking BAM!!!! total meltdown. Yes. Gracie is the only child so she does get alot of attention from me and Shane, and when she doesn't get our undivided attention...the screaming begins. Everyone keeps telling me that when she turns 4 it will get much better. i hope their right.

We are definetly not against spanking. And if she gets totally out of control a spanking is definetly in order. Now most of the time we stand her in the corner for being bad and when that doesn't work I start taking away her favorite toys or taking away watching a favorite movie. I hate punishing Gracie but it is necessary. i usually have Shane do alot of the punishment because..well..lets face it...daughters listen to their fathers (I always did)
If we did not punish Gracie she would be a Grade A Spoiled Rotten Brat!



Toddler Talk Thursday

Playground Etiquette

How do you deal with other kids on the playground bullying/hitting/pushing your child?

Wow...this topic totally hits home for me. I am very very protective of Gracie. When she is sad, I am sad. When another child isn't be fair/nice to her it really bothers me. We went to the playground alot this summer and I only ran into one situation that I wasn't happy with.

There was a couple girls at the playground that were maybe a couple yrs older than Gracie there one night. Gracie is such a happy child and she is friendly with everyone. She was trying to play with them and they were running from her and then she finally caught up with them and the one girl turned around and yelled "We don't wanna play with you, get away from us." ....o.m.g.

I saw red.
Gracie's face just broke my heart :(

I'm not even gonna say what I wanted to say to this girl. lol

I know things like this are gonna happen but it still hurts. Nobody wants to see their child get their feelings hurt...its awful.

Anywho....ending on a good note. Here are some pics from this summers playground adventures!!



Gracie brought home her first homework assignment this week!! (soo exciting!!)
She has to decorate this feather.
Oh this is gonna be so much fun....Ive never been so pumped about homework before!

So first we decided to paint the feather and Gracie picked her fav color....pink :)
She is an excellent painter.

 After the painting....we decided to put rinestones on it and white feathers!

and VOILA!!!
This is one glam feather!!


Toddler Talk Thursday

How do you get your toddler to sit still during a haircut?

Gracie has had a head full of hair since she was a baby :) she has long, blonde, curly hair. This past summer was her first "professional" haircut and it was pretty painless. They have this tractor chair that the kids sit in and they live it!!....the big bowl of suckers doesnt hurt either.

I originally wanted to cut 3 inches off her hair (it was REALLY long) ....but things didn't go exactly as planned. With every snip I started to get more and more nervous that I was cutting all her curl out (that happened to me with my first haircut) soooo we only cut maybe an inch and a half....I am such a wuss. Isn't it sad something as stupid as hair can have such an affect on us?

We actually need to go for another trim/cut soon, maybe I won't be so scared this time ... lol



Creepy Fingers

I made these fingers for Gracie's preschool Halloween Party :)

What you need:
String Cheese
1 bell pepper
Cream cheese
Paring knife
Sandwich bag

Put a sandwich bag on your hand while you work so you don't get fingerprints all over your cheese. Cut your string cheese log in half. Cut out the spot where you will place your fingernail. Cut little wedges out right above your nail and at the nuckle. Cut a small piece of your bell pepper in the shape of a fingernail, put some cream cheese on the space you cut out and glue your nail to your cheese log and VOILA!!!
Creepy Fingers!!!


Toddler Talk Thursday

What is your child going to be on Halloween?

When we asked Gracie what she wanted to be for Halloween she told us she wanted to be a monster .....but thankfully this mommy still has control over pretty much everything lol So off to the Halloween store we went :)

We found lots of cute costumes....our final choices were Supergirl....a pirate....a witch....and little red riding hood. We let her pick which one she liked best and the winner is.....

Little Red Riding Hood!


Making Faces

On Sunday we spent all afternoon playing with our pumpkins that we got from the pumpkin patch. Me and Gracie had so much fun :) Each holiday with her is getting better and better.

Gracie picked out this white pumpkin that we thought would be great for painting!

We painted it blue, purple, yellow, orange,green, pink, and a silver sparkle!
Gracie absolutely LOVED doing this! :)

The finished product :)

Our other two pumpkin we worked on next. We were gonna carve one and then stick faces on the other one but Gracie was having so much fun making faces that I just let her put faces on both of them. 3 faces to each pumpkin, here are our favs!


Crazy about Cupcakes!~!

Cupcakes is something me and my mom make for pretty much every occasion. They are easy to make, fun to decorate, and might I say DELICIOUS :P So for Halloween we definetly had to let Gracie decorate a cupcake, which she loved!! With some help from mama and papa, I think we did a great job!

 Gracie is the light of their lives :) :)
 Sprinkling :)
This is what her cupcake looked like shortly after. (What cha gonna do, she's 3)
Is this making you hungry?
me too!


Am I too picky?

Ok...I have been so excited to get Gracie's school pictures back and this is the best they could do!!??

I'm sorry but don't you think they could of fixed her bow so it wasn't sticking up in the air and worked with her on her smile so it wasn't so fake and so she had lips (her lips disappear when she fake smiles)

The only reason I got these pictures was because they were her very first school pictures ever. I just think the "professional people from Lifetouch" would of seen a bow sticking straight up in the air. I know your probably thinking I'm crazy and the picture is cute and I'm overreacting but......I'm a perfectionist when it comes to pictures and everything else. I want everything to be perfect and it drives me crazy when things don't work out that way.

Thank god for family pictures next month.

Toddler Talk Thursday

How do you help keep your toddler healthy during the cold and flu season?

Gracie is in preschool this year which makes me even more prepared for this winter season. Here is a few things we do to keep the germs away!

* Washing Hands! We make sure we wash our hands after going potty and throughout the day.

* We get our flu shots every year.

* We make sure when Gracie isn't feeling well we keep her home so she can rest and get better :)

* I'm always wiping everything with Lysol wipes ....it's a little bit of an addiction but it kills germs so it's all good.


What is Gracie Learning?

This week Gracie is learning all about nocturnal animals :) They are reading a book called Owl Babies. Here are a few projects she has brought home recently :)

You just gotta love the pig that they colored with chocolate pudding!!

 Fall Leaf :)


Every Monday night our public library had storytime. It is really fun and the kids love it! They read books, do crafts, sing songs, and me and Gracie always pick up some books to take home and read :) The theme tonight was owls which went perfect with what she was learning in school.

I thought this was so cute!!!

Here are the 3 books we brought home tonight. We read them all  already and they are all cute!


Picking The Perfect Pumpkin

I have been dying to show everyone how cute Gracie looks in her costume! I just love it!! (and so does she!)

Saturday we got up and went to the pumpkin patch! Yes it was cold....and windy, but that wasn't gonna stop us from having fun!!
As you can see...someone is sooo happy!!!

The Winners! The one white Gracie is gonna paint :)

We LOVE the pumpkin patch........until next year :)


Toddler Talk Thursday

What is currently your toddlers favorite book?

(you know...the book you have to read over and over again)

Gracie recently picked this book out and it has become a bedtime favorite. It has all kinds of "Happily Ever After" stories such as Beauty and the Beast....Snow White...Cinderella....The Little Mermaid....Alice in Wonderland. As a child my favorite shows were Beauty and the Beast and The Little Mermaid. I watched those shows over and over again. It is so nice to be able to share that with my baby girl :) This book has become a mommy favorite too :)


My suggestion for Toddler Talk Thursday: What has been your toddlers cutest halloween costume?


*Gracie's Favs*

As a toddler, Gracie is constantly changing her mind on things she likes and doesn't like. As for right now these are her favorite things :)

Gracie will pretty much do anything I ask her for a sucker. And they HAVE to be Dum Dums.

Gracie cannot get enough of this movie!

She found these a couple weeks ago in the bottom drawer of her dresser and ever since Ive had to hide them because she wants to wear these everyday!!! lol

This is a must snack I have to keep on hand at all times.....Its a lifesaver, when we are out and about and she's getting bored and wants to rome around I just whip out the cheese crackers and everything is right with the world. Thank you RITZ for making my life easier.

I found this cup at Toys r Us and it has been a favorite ever since :)

Bath toys.....Ive never seen so many bath toys in my life, its crazy.

Gracie goes crazy for bubbles.....don't all kids??

Oh Alphie....you are amazing!

This has become the new "bedtime book" and I love it as well as Gracie

What are your toddlers into these days??